LAU - Ley de Autonomía Universitaria
LAU stands for Ley de Autonomía Universitaria
Here you will find, what does LAU stand for in Spanish under International category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Ley de Autonomía Universitaria? Ley de Autonomía Universitaria can be abbreviated as LAU What does LAU stand for? LAU stands for Ley de Autonomía Universitaria. What does Ley de Autonomía Universitaria mean?Ley de Autonomía Universitaria is an expansion of LAU
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Alternative definitions of LAU
- Launched
- Lebanese American University
- Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos
- Laugh At U
- Lynx Analysis Unit
- Lamu, Kenya
- Louisiana Alcala Universities
View 22 other definitions of LAU on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- LANACS local area network asynchronous connection server
- LANB Los Alamos National Bank
- LANC Long arm navicular cast
- LANCC local area network control center
- LANCC/SM local area network control center and security monitor
- LANCEP LAN Cun Education Project
- LANCFU Legal Aid of North Carolina Farmworker Unit
- LANCHAO Lan Chao's
- LANCRAB landing craft and bases
- LANCSAG LAN Computer Systems AG
- LAND Learning And Nurturing Development
- LANDCENT Land Forces Central Europe (CENTAG and NORTHAG)
- LANDP local area network distributed platform
- LANDREG Land Registry
- LANDSAT Bitmap graphics (EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file)
- LANDSCAPE Landscaping
- LANDSCRIP LandScript
- LANDSOUTH Allied Land Forces Southern Europe